On June 16, 2009, the first European Chainsaw Certificate (ECC) was awarded by the European Forestry and Environmental Skills Council (EFESC). Now, exactly 15 years later, 24,000 forest workers – including tree workers, firefighters, gardeners, landscapers, etc. – in Europe have successfully acquired the European Chainsaw Certificate (ECC).
With this certificate, forest workers demonstrate their craftsmanship with European recognition. By agreeing on standards together with a strong network of European players, safety in the sector is enhanced. The certificate also ensures that professionals in Europe can work across borders. It is about continuously learning from each other and contributing to the safe management of Europe’s natural environment.
European Chainsaw Certificate (ECC)
One of the first minimum standards developed by EFESC concerns the use of chainsaws. These standards are defined at five different levels. Only accredited assessment centres are allowed to use the ECC logo.
European Brushcutter Certificate (EBC)
In addition to the ECC, EFESC will soon offer the European Brushcutter Certificate, which is equivalent to the ECC but for brushcutters. This certificate recognises your skills and knowledge of using a brushcutter.

Picture of the first ECC awarded to Jasper Visser 15 years ago